Posts in 2024

  • Spotlight on SIG Node

    Thursday, June 20, 2024 in Blog

    In the world of container orchestration, Kubernetes reigns supreme, powering some of the most complex and dynamic applications across the globe. Behind the scenes, a network of Special Interest Groups (SIGs) drives Kubernetes’ innovation and …

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  • Introducing Hydrophone

    Thursday, May 23, 2024 in Blog

    In the ever-changing landscape of Kubernetes, ensuring that clusters operate as intended is essential. This is where conformance testing becomes crucial, verifying that a Kubernetes cluster meets the required standards set by the community. Today, …

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  • Spotlight on SIG Architecture: Code Organization

    Thursday, April 11, 2024 in Blog

    This is the third interview of a SIG Architecture Spotlight series that will cover the different subprojects. We will cover SIG Architecture: Code Organization. In this SIG Architecture spotlight I talked with Madhav Jivrajani (VMware), a member of …

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  • Using Go workspaces in Kubernetes

    Tuesday, March 19, 2024 in Blog

    The Go programming language has played a huge role in the success of Kubernetes. As Kubernetes has grown, matured, and pushed the bounds of what “regular” projects do, the Go project team has also grown and evolved the language and tools. …

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  • Spotlight on SIG Cloud Provider

    Friday, March 01, 2024 in Blog

    One of the most popular ways developers use Kubernetes-related services is via cloud providers, but have you ever wondered how cloud providers can do that? How does this whole process of integration of Kubernetes to various cloud providers happen? To …

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  • A look into the Kubernetes Book Club

    Thursday, February 22, 2024 in Blog

    Learning Kubernetes and the entire ecosystem of technologies around it is not without its challenges. In this interview, we will talk with Carlos Santana (AWS) to learn a bit more about how he created the Kubernetes Book Club, how it works, and how …

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  • Spotlight on SIG Release (Release Team Subproject)

    Monday, January 15, 2024 in Blog

    The Release Special Interest Group (SIG Release), where Kubernetes sharpens its blade with cutting-edge features and bug fixes every 4 months. Have you ever considered how such a big project like Kubernetes manages its timeline so efficiently to …

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  • Blixt - A load-balancer written in Rust, using eBPF, born from Gateway API

    Monday, January 08, 2024 in Blog

    In SIG Network we now have a layer 4 (“L4”) load balancer named Blixt. This project started as a fun experiment using emerging technologies and is intended to become a utility for CI and testing to help facilitate the continued development of Gateway …

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  • Kubernetes supports running kube-proxy in an unprivileged container

    Friday, January 05, 2024 in Blog

    This post describes how the --init-only flag to kube-proxy can be used to run the main kube-proxy container in a stricter securityContext, by performing the configuration that requires privileged mode in a separate init container. Since Windows …

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Posts in 2023